Learn Salesforce and stuff
Tutorials. References. More.
Practical Salesforce
Focused on getting you up & running with Salesforce.com platform and tools.
Structured Learning
Easy to organise - study specific topics, or for certification.
Free and open sourced content. Enjoy responsibly, and contribute.
# What this is?
Here's yet another attempt to collate salesforce.com learning materials, tutorials, and links to (hopefully) make your learning process easier. You can use the study materials here to -
- Self-educate on salesforce platform and technology
- Prepare for certification
- Use the guides as teaching aids
- Have a blast
A good place to start is to go over why you should learn salesforce in this day and age. Or, you can jump to the topic of interest here or through the top navigation bar.
# Salesforce Study Topics & Guides
![Why Learn Salesforce?](./images/code.png)
A basic introduction to Salesforce, and why Salesforce is a good career option.
![Admin Guide](./images/code.png)
Admin knowledge that helps you manage Salesforce with clicks - create apps, secure data, & more!
Helpful for admin certification.
![Developer Guide](./images/code.png)
Learn configuration, Apex, Lightning, automation & more.
Helpful for AppBuilder & PD1 certifications.
# Why do this?
Think of this as a practical study guide that adds on to the many practical study guides on the Internet.. only better 😃
The aim is to have open source content that anyone can use as reference to study or teach Salesforce. We know there are alternatives (some of which are really good), but we see this guide as structured towards specific objectives, "to the point", easy to organize, and follow through. If you know of other excellent guides and study materials - feel free to add references and make this guide useful for all.
How this is different from Trailhead? Guides and lessons here refer trailhead - quite a lot. Trailhead sets high standards when it comes to learning something, and there is no intent to compete there. The idea is to get as much information to consume in less time and fewer clicks.
# Technology behind the guide
Our platform is simple. The objective is to organize written content, videos, presentations and links. We are nowhere near to Trailhead when it comes to organization, humour and interactivity - but we still do cool stuff.
- Content is written in Markdown with some help from MARP / Google Slides for presentation
- We use Vuepress to generate static pages from Markdown
- The main site is hosted on GitHub and we guarantee that this will remain up as long as there is Git in this Universe
# Contributing
Contributing to the guide(s) is as simple as opening a pull request, making changes on your version of content, and requesting merge. Head over to the contributing page for instructions.
We are careful about duplication, quality of content, and cautious in ensuring that the repository is not seen as a "super directory" of all Salesforce content in every part of this Universe.
Found a bug? Want to ask for a new feature? Create an issue
# Questions / Feedback
Need to discuss more, have questions, or just want to tell us how awesome we are? Head over to /r/sf_cog.
Oh.. we also appreciate you telling us how we could improve - not many people doing the good deed nowadays (/s
# Terms of Use
See Terms and our Privacy Policy. By using this website, you agree to the stated terms.
# Support Us
Consider supporting us if you have benefited from our work!